
Position Englishversion >>  Surveyors

Zeng De Kai

date:2014-06-23 09:30:35 Clicks:

Mr. Zeng graduated fromDalianMaritimeUniversityand obtain bachelor’s degree and GMDSS certificate. From 2002 to 2005, he worked as first officer in the Guangzhou Ocean Shipping Company under COSCO. He was also familiar with domestic coastal, offshore transportation and in charge of safety during voyage, maintenance of equipment of escape and nautical instrument, setting ship route and correcting navigation publications and materials. From 2005 to 2006, he worked as shipping agent and operated schedule and stowage in a container lining company. From October 2006 to September 2012, Mr. Zeng worked as minerals import and export commodity surveyor in SGS. From 2012, Mr. Zeng has been working as a surveyor and adjuster in HSA.